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Past Project Photo & Video

Watch our video about the origins of Serve Santa Maria, and how it grew into a successful annual event

Service Day #22: August 2023

Service Day Videos & Interviews

Serve Santa Maria

Serve Santa Maria

Serve Santa Maria
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Volunteers needed for Serve Santa Maria projects this weekend

Volunteers needed for Serve Santa Maria projects this weekend

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Service Day Pictures

Project History Timeline



For inspiration, here is a look back at the first 10 Serve Santa Maria days of service....

August 29, 2015 Serve Santa Maria X - Again, another great event with over 300 people serving our community in private homes, schools and parks

April 11, 2015 Serve Santa Maria IX - This was an exciting day with over 400 people involved in schools, private residences and city parks.



August 23, 2014 Serve Santa Maria VIII We had several projects for this day.  Below are some before, in progress and after pictures of the "miracle house" on W. Monroe, The Lawn Bowling Club, and some work that we did at Priesker Park.  See more pictures of this event on Shutterfly by clicking here.

April 26, 2014 Serve Santa Maria VII - This 7th event affected several parts of Santa Maria.  We helped a lady clean up her back yard, and we helped several schools in the Santa Maria area.  We want to thank Thrivent Financial for their contribution.  

Sept. 21, 2013 Serve Santa Maria VI - We came back to the house on McClelland and did  some major painting.  In addition we did some major work on parks throughout the city of Santa Maria.


April 13, 2013 Serve Santa Maria V - A major focus of this event was working on about 15 mobile homes in a local mobile home park on East McCoy in Santa Maria.  Below are pictures of some to the kinds of wirk that was accomplished.  In addition we started doing good work in some of Santa Maria's parks, led by some of our city leaders.

October 13, 2012 Serve Santa Maria IV - This day was a blessing to both those working on this man's house on South McClelland and the man himself.  We worked hard to clean up the front and back yard's on his house.

April 14, 2012 Serve Santa Maria III - We took on a major task of cleaning up the backyard of this family's house on Gregory St. in Santa Maria with the help of some professional tree workers that donated their time and equipment.  In addition, some of our volunteers repaired the garage door, while others built a handycap ramp on the front of the house.

We weren't able to help an elderly lady who lives in a mobile home park in Orcutt on this day, but later on in the month of June we had two men replace a back step, which was a blessing.  In addition they replaced the treads on her front steps.  Below are a couple of before and after pictures on these back steps.

May 14, 2011 Serve Santa Maria II - For this 2nd event we started working on a house on W. Jones Street in Santa Maria.  But more important than the house, we blessed the lady who lived in it.The yard was completely cleaned up, the exterior of the house was power wasked and painted, and this 50' fence was built to give the resident some privacy.  This was all accomplished by volunteers from churches in Santa Maria as part of Serve Santa Maria. Below are some before and after shots of the house.

April 17, 2010 Serve Santa Maria I - Our first event was a huge success as we painted the uprights under the Santa Maria River bridge.



"Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers,

you too will prosper."  Jeremiah 29:7

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Phone:  (805) 621-3331


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